Orlando Chapter

Champions of Hope

Diamond Sponsors:

  • Renu & Kedar Gupta, The Gupta Foundation

Platinum Sponsors:

  • Saroj Ramesh Shah, In Memory of Ramesh Mohanlal Shah 

Gala Team

Ameeta & Anjan Mehta
Anupama Tyagi
Archana & Sudhir Labh
Dr. Chandrika & Dr. Arabinda Behura
Hina & Kamlesh Patel
Leena & Viren Maniar
Meeru & Jay Avadhani

Palak & Kalpesh Patel
Shikha & Alok Sharma
Shirish Patel
Sreelakshmi & Ananth Vasudevan
Sunaina Puri
Dr. Vandana & Dr. Salil K. Gupta
Varunita & Rahul Jindal

Orlando Team

Varunita Jindal

Chapter Chair

Rahul Jindal

Chapter Chair

Anjan Mehta

Executive Team

Ameeta Mehta

Executive Team

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