
Bio Gas Plant

Bio-Gas plants are built to produce gas from vegetable or any food waste in the kitchen. Akshaya Patra is committed to zero waste and environmentally friendly kitchens. Bio-Gas plants are built in different sizes in our kitchens based on availability of the land and from Biogas plant limited Gas will be generated based on biogas plan capacity which wili be used for seasoning cooking


Solar power generation plant

Akshaya Patra is working on reducing the carbon emissions and start using the solar energy through building small size solar power plants. Our kitchens use the electricity from these plants and give back the remaining electricity to central grids.


Solar Grid

Akshaya Patra is working on reducing the carbon emissions and start using the solar energy through building small size solar power plants. Our kitchens use the electricity from these plants and give back the remaining electricity to central grids.


Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP)

Effluent Treatment Plant is built within the premises of the kitchen. The wastewater from the kitchen is treated in this plant and the same water is used for other cleaning purposes in the kitchen or use it for water for the plants around the kitchen.


Solar Street lights

As part of environment sustainability, Akshaya Patra is focusing on moving to zero fossil energy in our kitchens. In this process the solar streetlights are installed in our kitchen surroundings.


RO Plant

The RO plants are installed in different kitchens as Akshaya Patra uses only purified water for cooking in our kitchens. The RO plant helps us to clean the water and store the water through tanks.


Fire water hydent

To provide rapid access to water if a fire breaks out. Fire hydrant installation consists of a system of pipe work connected directly to the water supply main to provide water to every hydrant outlet and is intended to provide water for the firemen to fight a fire. it will be installed at kitchen


Sintex tanks

The Sintex water tanks are used to store purified water and water for other purposes.


Fire Safety System

To detect smoke, heat, or flames, and produce a signal that can be seen or heard by the people in the building or the fire department.


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