
Corporate Engagements

From our humble beginnings of providing 1,500 free meals to underprivileged children to becoming the world’s largest NGO school meal program, our extensive reach to children across India would not have been possible without the support of our Corporate, Foundation, and Individual donors.

We build impactful partnerships with a diverse portfolio of corporations that share our vision of investing in nourishment and growth of young people. We invite our partners to join our mission by supporting us in the following ways:

Restricted funds or a corporate grant to fund Akshaya Patra’s program (school feeding, kitchen construction, kitchen equipment, model school program, scholarships for children), a research project, a specified campaign or mission goal.

Our Events include galas and a speaker series. We are primed for attracting mainstream audiences and building Akshaya Patra’s brand globally. 

Our donor demographic largely includes Indian Diaspora, HNIs, professionals in medicine, technology and finance. For corporations, these galas serve as opportunities to strengthen brand equity, fulfill corporate social responsibility mandates and deliver targeted messaging to our attendees.

A two-way relationship where both the nonprofit and the corporate partner leverage shared assets and activate the partnership to raise awareness and/or funds from a variety of constituents such as consumers. We would be happy to discuss and customize this partnership based on interest.

Cause marketing enables companies of all shapes and sizes to develop a mutually beneficial partnership with a cause on a campaign or ongoing basis. We partner with businesses for Cause Marketing, whereby they donate a percentage of product sales or a fixed amount per sale to Akshaya Patra. In return, we provide the business with recognition benefits including having their logo on our website, social media posts for the business to generate awareness towards the brand, invitation to our Annual Gala.

A relationship where the corporate partner activates its employee base to raise awareness and funds by encouraging workplace activities, creating team or P2P fundraising efforts, engaging employees to volunteer to support its cause, employee giving, matching grants and skilled volunteerism.

Akshaya Patra welcomes corporations and firms to lend their expertise and resources on a pro bono basis to provide marketing, business and technology solutions.

Employees can visit the locations where Akshaya Patra is working- a visit to our kitchens and schools in India can be organized for the corporate employee. The employees usually return with a strong connection to the company’s social responsibility after field visits.

Corporate Matching

Our Cause Marketing & Foundation Partners

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